Christmas Love

Love #11 Rudolph Couture

Buy your Pet a Christmas Outfit.

As I was strolling through the stores for holiday gifts, I came across this end cap and was stopped in my tracks in awe.  The entire aisle was dedicated to animals…short, tall, big, small-they had something for everyone!  I was not at a pet store, I was at Target!  I was taken back by the amount of store space dedicated to animal couture. Who knew?

I grew up with cats, dogs, birds, fish…but as I child I do not remember the market being so hot in the pet clothing industry.  I love it!

I thought it would be fun to ask my readers if anyone dressed up their pets for the holidays? Hats off to my readers!!!!  You sent pictures and some of you even shared a story or two!  What a great response, you guys were all over it!

Here are the 2011 Best Family Traditions Pets of the Year.

Capone is from Walnut Creek, California.  My reader Robanne sent these photos of her adorable 9 month old “Blue Fawn” French bulldog.

She flew from Northern to Southern California then rented a car and drove several hours to adopt this lil guy…well worth all the travel!

Those eyes, that nose, that amazing Raider hat!  Love it!

Jack and Jill are siblings that live in Ladera Ranch, California.   Reader Kim has loved these two for over 7 years now.  They are about to make a move to the beach- rough life!

Jill as Mrs. Claus…with a beard.

Peanut “Claus” a true holiday blessing.  My reader Jamie from Lincoln, Nebraska found Peanut when he was 7 months old early one morning before work as he was wandering around her apartment complex.

She instantly fell in love with Peanut but realized someone may be missing this special little guy so she did all the necessary reporting and hoped for the best.  One day a few weeks later they were out on a walk and a couple stopped them – Peanut was their dog! NO!  Much to her relief they agreed to let her keep him….a true blessing.  Peanut, now 4, tolerates the cold Nebraska winters with his Santa suit…

Lola and her Couture hand knit cap comes to us from Reader Chiara in Sacramento, California.

Here she dons a double breasted suit for an evening out of holiday trotting

Sophie stands attention from Eugene, Oregon.  Reader Patrice is proud of her Prancer.  She turned 3 in October and her avid squirell watching abilities leads Patrice to believe she is part kangaroo.

Nibbles from San Ramon, California does not miss a beat.  Reader Lila has loved her guinea pig for 3 years now.  Nibbles is a real cuddler and loves to workout on her wheel cycle.

Super Nova, has rudolph red antlers that twinkle- a homeade set from her owner Braden in San Ramon, California.

Another Oregon reader, Sarah sent us Miss Lola- who enjoys running with her mom, barking at birds, non-stop fetching and belly rubs.   Lola wishes us a “Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good night!”

Why do we do what we do for our animals?  Because we LOVE them and they are FAMILY!  We would do anything for these precious gems of ours, so of course a clothing line is required.  And so much more.

And yes…this plays the jingle “We Wish you a Meowy Christmas”!

BONUS!!!  Today we met with Santas Rudolph, a 7 year old reindeer from Southern California. Belle was her name and she was in town for the lovely weather, one last beach visit and then off the North Pole.  She is tanning here, her fab couture pieces are being tailored for the big night.