
Friends #18 Baby Steps

A Friend Indeed…

My youngest took her first set of steps Tuesday.  A bittersweet moment.

She walked right over to her sister then her brother then her dolly…and I was able to catch it all on video…love my iphone.  Squeals of delight echoed throughout the house and we all were smiling ear to ear.  It was sweet how she bent over to pick up her dolly then hugged her tight…almost imitating how her father and I do the same for her when love is felt.

Outside of family and neighbors…these are her friends, her dolly’s.

None of my children played with dolls at this young of an age.  I don’t know why? There might be a science to it.. fourth child- birthing order? Who knows?

All I know is that my heart melts when I see her interact with these lil ones.  It only has been a few weeks since she started to recognize them as her friends, her lil loved ones.  They are always there for her…they listen to her, play with her, cry with her, eat with her and just last night…stayed by her bedside until she fell asleep.

As I wrapped my heart around this bittersweet moment…I shed a tear.

As she picked up her dolly and hugged her tight, I too turned to my friends and shared a moment…I emailed the video out to my girlfriends and of course they were right there for me to hold my hand knowing that I just entered a whole new journey with my daughter….friends indeed!

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Christopher Robin to Pooh”